Top 10k strings from 16-48 Magazine - Issue 25 (1986)(16-48 Tape Magazine)[a].tap
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2 j*(a+p+q"(a 2 Z$="17000103 2 Z$="01010405 2 LENGTH IS lj3y 2 H$Hx<,nOOOOOO 2 ;"RUN THE TAPE": 2 ;"16/48#25/2": 2 ;"********************************": 1 ~~~~~~`ff`ff|f|`ff`~f 1 z=prog+291 1 z$="STOP TAPE": 1 z$="10010212SIDE 1 z$="08010203 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 xwwwwwwxF~pF@@@ 1 xwwwwwwxFxw~xx~pxp~p~ww~pxppppp@~pxpxx~~~~wxpxwwwwww~pxw~xx~~~pxpxppppppxpxp 1 xp~p@@@@@xppp@@@@@xp@@@@@@Gxp@@@@@GG~p@@x~~~~~p@@~pppppp@@~p@ 1 pppppppppppp 1 pic 1 loader 1 letter 1 legre-eGhrd 1 hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 1 frdIe-e;qWx 1 demo 1 d*(a^#V#"(a 1 crd,qIe,q:c 1 c:fGd,ikaGd 1 b$="PRESS A KEY" 1 aa|a`i^#V+ 1 a*(a++++"(a 1 ```````````` , 1 ___________________________ 1 ZAPINT 1 Z$="17120202 1 Z$="15030405 1 Z$="15010405 1 Z$="14100202 1 Z$="14050405 1 Z$="11070202 1 Z$="10020304 1 Z$="09030204 1 Z$="08130202 1 Z$="08110405 1 Z$="08080405 1 Z$="08070405 1 Z$="05080304 1 Z$="05080202 1 Z$="05020203YOU SCORED: "+ 1 Z$="02110202 1 Z$="02100405 1 XMAS QUIZ 1 WRONG=6800 1 WHITE LIGHTNING 1 TOTAL=TOTAL+1 1 STOP THE TAPE 1 ROTSP 1 RIGHT=6500 1 PRESS A KEYY 1 PRESENTS": 1 PGRAF=6300 1 M/C LIBRARY 5 1 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL* 1 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1 INK 1 Hm4%Om46Vm47fm4:vm4:}m4B 1 GHT BGR 7I SET ACT1 ACT2 ACT3 ACT4 ACT5 ; 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEE 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE( 1 GG@@GG@@GG@@ 1 GETANS=4000 1 Fxpxxxxx~Fxppppppppxxxxxxx~Fpwwwwwwwp 1 F@@~~~xx~F@@ppppppp) 1 EMPTY-BUFFER 1 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1 DEMONSTRATION 1 DEFINITION 1 CHRISTMAS": 1 CHRISTMAS 1 CAKE 1 Bd`d*(a^#V#s#r 1 BBBBBBBBBBBB 1 AVIOR p 1 AVIOR <J 1 AVIOR 1 ANS,A$,B$,C$,D$,E$,F$ 1 ANOTHER LITTLE CHRISTMAS DITTY ! 1 @XXXXXXXXXX@ 1 ?oc<eVeVax\ 1 <qNqXqgq}q 1 ;"Yes, you've guessed ...." 1 ;"STOP THE TAPE" 1 ;"Press a key ....": 1 ;"Play the tape" 1 ;"LEAVE TAPE RUNNING": 1 ;"CHRISTMAS" 1 ;"Basic Rubbish by Michael Silve" 1 ;"4) ";e$: 1 ;"3) ";d$; 1 ;"2) ";c$; 1 ;"16/48#25/2" 1 ;"1) ";b$; 1 ;"(R) RUN AGAIN" 1 ;"(Q) LOAD NEXT PROGRAM"; 1 ;" PRESS THE START BUTTON": 1 8888xxxx888888888888888 1 8888888888888888xx88888 1 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\ 1 16/48#25/2 1 ,"Q. Who discovered Christmas Island ? Was it:","Christopher Columbus","Captain Cook","Sir Francis Drake","Sir Walter Releigh","Discovered in the Pacific Ocean in 1977, Christmas Island was discovered by Captain Cook.*" 1 ,"Q. White Christmas by Irving Berlin is the greatest selling record in the world. How many copies have been sold ?","More than 75 million","More than 100 million","More than 125 million","More than 200 million","25 million of the Bing Crosby version, recorded on 29 May 1942have been sold and more than 100million by other artistes.*" 1 ,"Q. Which of the following pub- lished the first 'Christmas Special' ? Was it:","The Times","Punch","The Illustrated London News","The Radio Times","16 pages long and published on 23rd December 1848, the special supplement contained a lyric, recipes, drawings and predic- tions. It was published with theIllustrated London News.*" 1 ,"Q. What was the height of the world's tallest Christmas tree ?Was it:","143 feet","187 feet","221 feet","386 feet","The world's tallest cut Christ- mas tree was a 221ft Douglas Firerected at Washington USA in December 1950.*" 1 ,"Q. What is the greatest number of personal Christmas cards sentout by one person ? Is it:","24,111","30,943","42,368","62,824","Sent by Mrs Werner Erhard of SanFrancisco in December 1975 the greatest number of personal Christmas cards mailed is 62,824*" 1 ,"Q. Only one of these events happened on Christmas Day.Which?","Independence of Tonga","Californian Gold discovery","Radio photos from Britain","Hong Hong surrender to Japan","Only 4 happened on Christmas Dayin 1941. As for the others, 1 took place in June 1970, 2 in Jan 1848 and 3 in November 1924.*" 1 ,"Q. Issued in 1898, which countryreleased the world's first Christmas stamp ? Was it:","Great Britain","USA","New Zealand","Canada","Depicting a map of the world the2 cent stamp issued in December 1898 was released by the Canad- ian Post Office.*" 1 ,"Q. In which year were Christmas tree lights first available commercially ? Was it:","1884","1901","1924","1932","Manufactured by the Edison Elec-tric Co of Harrison, New Jersey,the nine-socket string sets wereadvertised for sale in the Dec- ember issue of Ladies' Home Journal in 1901.*" 1 ,"Q. In which year was the first Christmas tree erected in Bri- tain ? Was it:","1760","1780","1800","1820","The first know Christmas tree was erected at Queen's Lodge, Windsor by the wife of George III,Queen Charlotte for a party held on Christmas Day 1800.*" 1 ,"Q. In what year was the turkey introduced to Britain ? Was it:","1549","1668","1724","1801","Introduced via Spain from Mexicothe turkey came to Britain in 1549.*" 1 ,"Q. In what year was the first Christmas annual for children published ? Was it:","1828","1888","1918","1938","Entitled 'The Christmas Box' thefirst annual for children was published in London in 1828.*" 1 ,"Q. In what year was the earlist Christmas card sent ? Was it:","1812","1843","1862","1884","The earlist known Christmas cardwas sent out by Sir Henry Cole in 1843. The practice became an annual ritual from 1862.*" 1 ,"Q. In the cartoon film of 'A Christmas Carol' who played the part of Scrooge ? Was it:","Donald Duck","Bugs Bunny","Micky Mouse","Mr Magoo","Ah,What's up Doc ?...............................It was Mr Magoo.*" 1 ,"Q. How tall was the tallest Christmas tree erected in Britain ? Was it:","75 feet","85 feet","95 feet","105 feet","Erected for the Canterbury Cath-edral appeal in November 1975, the tallest tree erected in Bri-tain measured 85 feet 3.25 ins.*" 1 ,"Q. How many tons of snow were used in the world's largest snowstructure ? Was it:","1200","1400","1600","1800","Built in Japan in 1980 the ice palace was 75 feet in height andtook 8000 people and 50 bull- dozers to build. 1600 tons of snow were used.*" 1 ,"Q. How many White Christmas Dayshas London experienced since 1900 ? Is it:","7","14","21","28","London has experienced 7 white or snowing Christmas days since 1900.The last of the 9 recorded Frost Fairs held on the Thames since 1564 was during the 1813/ 1814 winters.*" 1 ,"Q. How large was the world's largest mince pie ? Was it:","874 lbs","1102 lbs","1644 lbs","2260 lbs","Baked at Ashby-de-la-Zouch,Leic-estershire on October 15th 1932 and measuring 20 by 5 feet, it weighed 2260 lbs.*" 1 ,"Q. How large was the world's largest functional Christmas cracker ? Was it:","24 feet","37 feet","60 feet","66 feet","Built for Marks & Spencer and pulled at Pier Point, Sydney, Australia on 23rd November 1983 the largest functional cracker was 10 feet in diameter and 60 feet in length.*" 1 ,"Q. How large was the world's greatest snowfall ? Was it:","863.4 ins","1224.5 ins","1863.1 ins","2212.0 ins","Recorded at Paradise,Washington between Feb 1971 and Feb 1972 the greatest snowfall was of 1224.5 ins.*" 1 ,"Q. How heavy was the world's heaviest turkey ? Was it:","54 lbs","79 lbs","104 lbs","132 lbs","Reared by Dale Turkeys of Cayn- ham,Shropshire the world's heav-iest turkey tipped the scales on15 December 1982 at 78 lbs 14.75ozs.*" 1 ,"Q. From which show did 'I'm Walking Backwards till Christmas' come from? Was it:","Hancock's Half Hour","The Goon Show","Bandwaggon","ITMA","He's fallen in the water................The Goon Show of course!*" 1 ,"Q. Christmas is a time for snow sleds. What is the world speed record for a power driven sled ?","128 mph","187 mph","248 mph","306 mph","Driven by Sammy Miller on Lake George, NY, USA on 15 February 1981, the power driven sled 'Oxygen' recorded a speed of 247.93 mph.*" 1 ,"Q. As you tuck into another piece of Christmas cake - how heavy was the world's heaviest cake ?","18,345 lbs","33,693 lbs","58,122 lbs","81,982 lbs","Baked at Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA on 4th July 1982,theStars & Stripes cake took 14.5 hours to bake and weighed 81,982lbs.*" 1 ,"Q. And how much did the heaviestturkey sell for ? Was it:","`500","`1000","`2000","`3000","Auctioned aboard HMS Wellington on 15 December 1982 the record breaking turkey was bought by Dewhurst the Butchers for `3000.*" 1 ,"Q. 'Post Early for Christmas' Postman Pat might say. When did the Post Office first use this slogan ? Was it:","1880","1904","1948","1971","The slogan 'Post Early for Christmas' was first used by thePost Office in 1880.*" 1 ,"Michael Sellers" 1 ************ GET TUNE 1 *(a++"(as#r 1 )dId*(aN#F#"(a 1 '" Sincerely" 1 $nF+)nF@0nF@9nF 1 "with the help of Melbourne Draw" 1 "what can be achieved using :-" 1 "the map was copied freehand/key" 1 "most of the sub-language 'Ideal'" 1 "making of this cartoon with the" 1 "into a 40 x 20 CHR$ sprite." 1 "facilities have been used in the" 1 "exception of sprite rotation." 1 "en differently if started now," 1 "and then transfered to the W/L" 1 "a few things that would be writ-" 1 "White Lightning from Oasis soft-" 1 "Sprite Generator program, also" 1 "Forth and less W/L, so there are" 1 "CHRISTMAS" 1 "16/48#25/2" 1 " The following is an example of" 1 " Most of the pictures were made" 1 " At the start I knew a little" 1 OF ONE ENDOF 2 OF TWO ENDOF 1 OASIS SOFTWARE 1984 1 GOTO LFA ! 1 GIMME YOUR ANSWER SUNSHINE ! 1 PRESS A KEY Z 1 Gd 1 PRESS A KEY 1 B 1